
Discipleship: Part 2

Blog 17 - Discipleship Part 1
Discipleship as it relates to stages of development

The “Grammar” Stage

In Parts 2-4 of our discipleship series we will provide practical and helpful ways to equip you in the faithful discipleship of your children.

Having raised and educated our own eight children we have become believers in the trivium model of the classical approach to learning. Continue Reading »

What are the Fundamentals Needs for Parents Today? Part 6: Authorization

Blog 02 - Fundamental Needs
Authorization means having been granted permission and approval to exercise authority. And, what is authority?Continue Reading »

What are the Fundamentals Needs for Parents Today? Part 3: Purposeful Vision

Blog 02 - Fundamental Needs
Much is made these days about getting things done under the banner of personal productivity. Bookstore shelves are filled with self-help titles on the topic. Common among those writings are encouragements to identify objectives and set clear, specific goals.Continue Reading »

What are the Fundamentals Needs for Parents Today? Part 2: Peace

Blog 02 - Fundamental Needs
Domestic desperation and chaos - many parents find themselves facing unrelenting waves of turmoil, crises and conflict in their homes. How do I do this? Am I doing this right? What exactly should I be doing? Is this normal? How long can this go on, how long can I go on? So uncertain, so weary. And, thankfully, all so unnecessary.Continue Reading »