Building Character/Discipleship

Discipleship: Part 4

Blog 17 - Discipleship Part 1
Discipleship as it relates to the stages of development

The Rhetoric Stage

In this series, we’ve taken a deeper look at discipleship in regard to the different stages of your child’s development. We have discussed what it looks like in the grammar stage (preschool-young elementary ages) and the logic stage (5th-9th grades). Now we will look at what discipleship looks like in the rhetoric stage (14 - 18+year olds).
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Discipleship: Part 3

Blog 17 - Discipleship Part 1
Discipleship as it relates to stages of development

The Logic Stage

In our previous posts we discussed what discipleship is, and what it looks like in the early pre-school and elementary years.

Today, we are going to take a deeper look at discipleship in the tween years or the Logic Stage of discipleship (5th - 9th grades). We’ll discuss practical, effective ways you can help disciple your child in this stage. Continue Reading »

Discipleship: Part 2

Blog 17 - Discipleship Part 1
Discipleship as it relates to stages of development

The “Grammar” Stage

In Parts 2-4 of our discipleship series we will provide practical and helpful ways to equip you in the faithful discipleship of your children.

Having raised and educated our own eight children we have become believers in the trivium model of the classical approach to learning. Continue Reading »

Discipleship: Part 1

Blog 17 - Discipleship Part 1
Discipleship as it relates to stages of development

Rich and faithful discipleship should be the hallmark of every Christian home. For most parents it is something that is a genuine desire but often elusive and never fully integrated into family life.Continue Reading »

Sow to Their Flesh, but Reap the Spirit?

Blog 16 - Sow to their flesh, but reap the spirit?
Over the years we've interacted with many Christian parents. They have been at all levels of spiritual maturity - some very young in their faith to the seasoned and deeply mature.

One thing, however, is pretty universal - and that is what they desire for their children.

So, Christian parent, let me ask you...
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The Christian Home - What it could be

Blog 01 - The Christian Home - What it could be - firstchoice
The current state of the Christian home

In the course of time it seems that somewhere, somehow we have lost our way....especially as it relates to the state of our homes. While we would all agree that we desire our homes to be a haven, a shelter, and a place of peace, most of us would sadly have to concede that our family dwellings are a far cry from this description.Continue Reading »