Discipleship: Part 3

Blog 17 - Discipleship Part 1
Discipleship as it relates to stages of development

The Logic Stage

In our previous posts we discussed what discipleship is, and what it looks like in the early pre-school and elementary years.

Today, we are going to take a deeper look at discipleship in the tween years or the Logic Stage of discipleship (5th - 9th grades). We’ll discuss practical, effective ways you can help disciple your child in this stage. Continue Reading »

What are the Fundamentals Needs for Parents Today? Part 2: Peace

Blog 02 - Fundamental Needs
Domestic desperation and chaos - many parents find themselves facing unrelenting waves of turmoil, crises and conflict in their homes. How do I do this? Am I doing this right? What exactly should I be doing? Is this normal? How long can this go on, how long can I go on? So uncertain, so weary. And, thankfully, all so unnecessary.Continue Reading »