Discipleship: Part 1

Blog 17 - Discipleship Part 1
Discipleship as it relates to stages of development

Rich and faithful discipleship should be the hallmark of every Christian home. For most parents it is something that is a genuine desire but often elusive and never fully integrated into family life.Continue Reading »

How Do You View Your Identity?

Blog 14 - How Do You View Your Identity_
How often do you stop and consider your identity?

With whom or what do you identity yourself? Continue Reading »

Resetting Your Priorities

Blog 13 - Resetting your priorities
A “good” parent is a humble and teachable parent. One who willingly and frequently reevaluates priorities. It can be an uncomfortable process, but one that is absolutely necessary to maintain a home that is conducive to the faithful nurturing and training of children.Continue Reading »

Parenting Flows From Your Marriage

Blog 09 - Parenting flows from your marriage
We believe many factors contribute to successful, biblical parenting. Of all those factors, perhaps, second only to the spiritual health and maturity of each parent, is the health and maturity of your marriage. Continue Reading »

It Will Cost You Something

Blog 08 - It Will Cost You Something
One of the unexpected realities confronting Christian parents is this: faithful parenting is personally costly. No one ever told us this, we were completely unprepared. Continue Reading »