It Will Cost You Something

Blog 08 - It Will Cost You Something
One of the unexpected realities confronting Christian parents is this: faithful parenting is personally costly. No one ever told us this, we were completely unprepared.

As adults we seem to readily understand personal cost in regards to pursuing a challenging career, educational endeavor, entering full-time ministry, or even simply getting physically fit. However, when it comes to parenting, it often comes as a great surprise that to parent both biblically and effectively is a costly, sacrificial endeavor. And here is the heavenly clincher: God lovingly designed it that way!

Raising a godly family is one of the most significant, selfless, Christ-like pursuits entrusted to us.

It is an opportunity for us to emulate the Savior as we “take up our cross” daily to:

Deny ourselves joyfully
Serve sacrificially
Love boundlessly
Give generously
Shepherd faithfully
Discipline effectively
Forgive unilaterally
Intercede in prayer continually

Yes, it will cost you to do this well. But isn't any great endeavor costly?

When we consider the numerous possibilities of personal pursuits available throughout one's lifetime, shouldn't parenting be at the top of the list as a costly calling worthy of our sacrifice to pursue with excellence? How often is one given the opportunity to so deeply invest in the soul work of another? What kind of pursuit allows us to influence and direct a life for the kingdom and for future generations? And what other personal endeavor has near the return on the investment with the anticipation of a bountiful harvest, both temporally and eternally?

As parents, this should get us excited! It should resonate in our hearts and compel us to lay aside encumbrances that are hindering us from pursuing parenting for His glory and namesake.

Each family must prayerfully evaluate what those encumbrances are. Some encumbrances masquerade themselves as "good works" or "great opportunities" but in reality are distractions inhibiting us from parenting well. Wisely consider the season and needs of your family as you prayerfully make decisions in regards to ministry, career goals, friendships, and personal pursuits.

Reflecting back, anything we willingly laid aside (and there were many) to enable us to parent more faithfully, we never regretted. However, there were times we didn't say no and wished we had. Sadly, we can never go back and undo those poor decisions to recapture that lost time with our children, or prevent unexpected harm done.

Over the years we experienced numerous long seasons of parenting where our road seemed endlessly uphill and daunting. At times we saw little, to no, tangible return on our investments. Parenting often appeared one-sided in the giving and taking department: high on the giving and low on the taking. There was little glamor, to be sure, with few to no accolades for our efforts nor a hint of recognition for all our perceived personal sacrifices.

Parenting well was the quintessential odyssey - a long, wandering, eventful journey. A pilgrim’s trek and a costly travail. But, by God’s grace, we managed to keep an eye on the destination with a child-like faith that trusted the rewards would be worth the sacrifices.

And now, for us, begins to come the harvest from God’s gracious hand. It’s started slowly, over time, but now it accelerates. What a blessing to behold, in our lifetime there has been no return on any other investment that equals it.

Faithful, biblical parenting done unto the Lord is a sacrifice, and sacrifices are costly. Please trust that this costly sacrifice promises surpassing rewards.

Remember there are no do-overs in parenting, you have one opportunity to do it well.