
Hey, want to spend an evening with John Piper?


Hey, want to spend an evening with John Piper?

I got that question the other day at a particularly low point for me. Continue Reading »

A Word of Hope to the Weary Mom

Blog 15 - A Word of Hope to the weary Mom
Dear Weary Mom,

First, let me comfort you in sharing that you are not alone. I have been where you are so many, many times as have countless others before you.Continue Reading »

What Your Wife Needs From You to Parent Well

Blog 10 - What Your Wife Needs From You to Parent Well - firstchoice
In “Parenting Flows From Your Marriage” we shared that we’ve been collecting a sort of mental notebook around ways marriages can be self strengthening and in turn be able to deliver more effective parenting.

Today, we’re sharing our thoughts on the needs of a wife. Continue Reading »

Parenting Flows From Your Marriage

Blog 09 - Parenting flows from your marriage
We believe many factors contribute to successful, biblical parenting. Of all those factors, perhaps, second only to the spiritual health and maturity of each parent, is the health and maturity of your marriage. Continue Reading »

The Christian Home - What it could be

Blog 01 - The Christian Home - What it could be - firstchoice
The current state of the Christian home

In the course of time it seems that somewhere, somehow we have lost our way....especially as it relates to the state of our homes. While we would all agree that we desire our homes to be a haven, a shelter, and a place of peace, most of us would sadly have to concede that our family dwellings are a far cry from this description.Continue Reading »