How Do You View Your Identity?

Blog 14 - How Do You View Your Identity_
How often do you stop and consider your identity?

With whom or what do you identity yourself? Continue Reading »

What are the Fundamentals Needs for Parents Today? Part 3: Purposeful Vision

Blog 02 - Fundamental Needs
Much is made these days about getting things done under the banner of personal productivity. Bookstore shelves are filled with self-help titles on the topic. Common among those writings are encouragements to identify objectives and set clear, specific goals.Continue Reading »

What are the Fundamentals Needs for Parents Today? Part 1: Reassurance

Blog 02 - Fundamental Needs
The rising tide of worldliness is swamping even the church, it seems. Frightening statistics tell a story of young adults from Christian homes entering college or the workforce then soon abandoning their parents’ values and turning their backs on their parents’ faith.
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