What are the Fundamentals Needs for Parents Today? Part 6: Authorization

Blog 02 - Fundamental Needs
Authorization means having been granted permission and approval to exercise authority. And, what is authority?

“The power to give orders or make decisions : the power or right to direct or control”

Today’s parents seem unsure if they should, or even have the right to, exert parental authority in their own homes. And if they do feel even somewhat authorized they seem unsure as to whom even granted that authority and what all it encompasses, i.e. what are its requirements, boundaries, and limitations.

This certainly can’t be due to a lack of people speaking on the matter. Rather, there is an overabundance of loud, dissonant voices out there willing to instruct and correct the ‘ignorant masses’. Oh, there are so many authoritative sources willing to exert (usurp) control and influence in the realm of parenting and the home – government, schools, and professionals such as psychologists, sociologists, and supposed child development experts. Some may even have interesting and useful insights and advice to proffer, but alas, all without authority.

Who is the authority for all things home and family? The one who designed and created it, God.

Today’s Christian parent needs to embrace that essential, foundational truth. Embrace it, not simply give an affirmative nod. That embrace should be confident, passionate, and fearless. An embracing of God’s Plan A (a plan that neither needs nor allows for a Plan B, or C behind it) for all things home and family.

And with that, search out God’s instruction on the matter as revealed in his word. From that point of view, they need to be equipped with an understanding and defense of correct, biblical parenting. Once they understand what is the standard and what is expected they can then confidently answer the question, “is God with me?” in the affirmative.

Remember, it is God who alone has the power and right to authorize parents in the home, and he has done so. Not only did he authorize but he also commanded us to parent well, to raise their children for the kingdom of God. And not only that, but to have homes and marriages that are godly, orderly, industrious - useful and ready for service to others in the name of Christ.