What is Parent Reform?

Parent Reform is a rich set of parenting and family life resources that strives to be biblically based, Christ-centered, often times challenging, yet deeply encouraging.  It is our heartfelt desire that these practical and relevant resources will serve to equip you in your marriage and in the parenting of your children to “take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord,  that you may fulfill it.”  Colossians 4:17.

What is our mission?

"Reforming the parent to transform the child"  
In the heat of parenting it's easy to see our children as the problem and then seek resources to help 'fix' them. We've learned that most parenting issues are actually rooted in the hearts of each parent and in their marriage. Successful parenting flows from the heart and mind of the parent, through their marriage, and then into the home - by God’s design. We focus first on changing the hearts and minds of parents and strengthening marriages which inevitably impacts the hearts and minds of their children, and for the better! 

Having established a sound foundation for parents and their marriage we then move on to the training and discipling of children. Parent Reform provides many practical and relevant resources for educating and equipping parents “to train up your child in the way he should go.” Proverbs 22:6. God meant for children to be blessings, we want to help you raise them to bless.

We understand that many parental circumstances have been complicated by single parent situations, divorce, remarriage, and unbelieving spouses. We believe our resources will be useful and encouraging to those parents as well though they face additional obstacles and hardships that, by God’s grace, can be compensated for and overcome.

Why "ParentReform"?  OR:  "What's in a name?" 

The name, "Parent Reform", reflects not only our mission but is borne from our own personal testimony. We both came to saving faith as young children, unfortunately neither of us were discipled well in our early Christian life. What discipling we did receive was largely misaligned with the essential and fundamental truths of scripture - so clearly articulated by Reformed theology.

By God’s mercy, early in our parenting journey the Lord directed us to a sound church where we first began consistently receiving systematic, expository preaching from men equipped in exegetical practices. We quickly began to see our hearts and minds becoming reformed and reshaped. And, with that, our marriage changed, and unexpectedly our children began to transform. As our hearts and minds grew in knowledge and understanding of God's word, we began to witness a transformation in our home. 

Parent Reform is not meant to be a theological resource, however it has, unapologetically, been shaped by Reformed theology and the Doctrines of Grace.  Seeing life through the lens of sound doctrine delivers a perspective that can transform every aspect of your Christian life; and certainly our homes and how we parent.

About Warren and Mary Robbins

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Warren and Mary have been married for over 30 years and are the proud parents of 8 children, several which are now married and (happily) bringing them a growing number of grandchildren.    
For years, the Robbins have been teaching, discipling, and coaching parents in various stages of parenting.  Parent Reform was birthed out of those efforts.  Many families who've benefited from their teaching have strongly encouraged them to make their materials more broadly accessible to other parents. What you find here is the result.  
Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us that "For everything there is a season." Warren and Mary have intentionally waited in launching this ministry until most of their children were grown and the fruit from their labors tested and evident.  As they have entered into the "fall" season of parenting they believe this is the time to share what they have lived and learned. 
While both hold college degrees, their credentials in writing Parent Reform comes from the school of experience that has been their tutor these past 29 years.   Their deepest desire and motivation is to share with others what they wished had been shared with them as they sought to parent well.  
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