
Claudio and Tracy, TX

Tor and Sarah, TX

Ryan and Laura, TX

Justin and Ashley, TX

Stacie, OK

Mark and Brittany, TX

Nate and Lindsey, TX

TJ and Meghan, TX

Todd and Leah, TX

Sy and Kelly, TX

Ryan and Mindy, TX

Matt and Shannon, TX

Shane and Danielle, TX

Jon and Bre, TX

Rusty and Leah, TX

More Testimonials

We are so thankful to have had the opportunity to learn from Warren and Mary Robbins in regards to parenting. We were a part of a parenting class before we had our first child, and two and a half years later, we frequently find ourselves recalling valuable and practical lessons that we learned from the Robbins. We have learned from them in a "classroom" setting, but have also had the privilege of watching them in real life. They are the real deal!! We are thankful to know their children and have been blessed by their entire family.
> Andrew and Jan, TX
A Christ-centered parenting class:

My husband and I took away different things from the class. From my husband’s perspective, this is the first time he has been exposed to the subject of parenting and specifically Christian parenting. Coming from a different culture, parenting was never discussed between friends or within families. So, it was a new and encouraging experience for him, and it gave him tools to use for disciplining our daughter and it helped him to learn to promote Bible study, and education.

What was amazing to me was how Christ was so intricately interwoven into the lessons, each time we met it was an invitation to believe in Christ, and about His love, the classes tied back to scriptures. What impacted me the most was the lessons on strictness and the follow-through needed to raise godly children. But it’s balanced with knowing the individual child. The Robbins explained that the approach depends on the child, some children just need a soft reproof for correction, others will not respond to a soft reproof. Parents are led to teach good decision making and consequences for wrong actions. Other reasons why I recommend the training, it is filled with real examples and experiences, and it’s the easiest way to learn practically. There were so many seeds, nuggets of knowledge that were given to us through these classes that we will be drawing on as our child grows.
> Ani, TX
As the parents of three young children, we have such a need for biblical guidance in how to raise them well. The Robbins' parenting class has been instrumental in our daily efforts to humbly and lovingly discipline our kids. We continually go back to the principals we have learned from them, and value the guidance they provide both through teaching and example. We highly recommend this class, and are so thankful for the biblical insight and true encouragement Mary and Warren so consistently display to their students and their families.
> Jordan and Julie, TX
Warren and Mary’s teaching is firmly rooted in scripture and what God has to say about being a parent and raising children. Through their personal experience of raising their own children and by working with numerous families they have gained extensive experience in applying these biblical principles to the situations we will all face as parents. We have been greatly blessed when dealing with difficult situations ranging from disobedience and how and when to discipline effectively to how we have handled sticky situations with grandparents. As an example, I want to share one simple thing that has been a huge blessing in our lives.

I love holding my kids, but 2 year olds are squirmy and holding a 2 year old that is full of energy can quickly drain all of mine. Trying to hold on to the hand of a 2 year old that has no interest in holding hands isn’t much better. On top of this, once they start to outnumber you – it simply isn’t practical to hold them while walking through a parking lot or through a store. During our class Warren shared his experience with this and how applying what the Bible says about our children - namely that they are to be a blessing – and what he knew they were capable of, led to training their children to hold their hand, not the other way around.

Following this small example, from the time our kids could walk we had them holding onto our finger – they know it is their job to hold on until we tell them it is ok to let go. I cannot count how many times we have been thankful for this advice as we walk through a parking lot, through the mall or when we simply want to have them stand beside us while we have a conversation. They often spin and dance and jump and skip... and in general are just energetic little toddlers - without using up all our energy at the same time.

On top of the practical wisdom and advice, we have also been encouraged by Warren and Mary.

The world will be quick to criticize the biblical methods of parenting as foolish and ineffective at best and barbaric and abusive at worst. It is a much needed reminder and encouragement to see how effective these biblical principles can be when we see the character and maturity of their (now grown) children.
> Justin and Jeanetta , TX
Warren and Mary have been a blessing to us in our marriage and parenting. They consistently offer Christ-centered wisdom and practical advice. We highly recommend them to any couples seeking to bring glory to God in their own families.
> Kelly and Kit, TX
We are so thankful for how you have cared for our family. The experience and wisdom you have shared with us has deeply impacted our marriage and family life. We have confidence in how we raise and teach our children, and we are on the same team aiming for the same goal. Thank you for encouraging us and demonstrating what loving marriage and parenting should be!
> Ryan and Jayme, TX
Warren and Mary came alongside my family to help encourage us to allow God’s grace to work a transformation in our home. The Parent Reform materials had not been written, but they were certainly being lived out!  Gently, lovingly, Warren, Mary and their eight children simply taught by example what was obviously working in their joy-filled home.
It has been a long journey, but today life looks very different. My four kids are grown now and doing well, I am blessed. We love and strive to serve one another and those around us. So thankful I am a single mom who can say all that! 
The fullness of God’s design for the family is forever imprinted in my heart. In my work for a mission organization I am now using the sound biblical principles that Warren and Mary poured into my life to strengthen and encourage missionaries serving in very difficult situations around the world. There are no words that can express my gratitude to Warren and Mary.
> Joanna R, TX
I was blessed to raise one daughter who is now 33 years old.  I now have the privilege of living close by and watching her raise 4 young children of her own.  She and her husband were committed to raising their children according to the Word of God and to help them in that endeavor, they turned to Mary and Warren Robbins.  They met the Robbins family at church and in a short time, saw them as Godly role models and soon began attending their parenting classes.   After each session, they would share with me all they had learned.  The parenting class material was very beneficial.   It gave them tools to help them parent their children in different ways.  It gave them a better and broader perspective of the goals of parenting.  They were taught the role of discipline in child rearing and received practical and helpful tools to discipline in love and in a way that promotes the Gospel with their children.  They provided them with a lot of practical tools for shepherding their children and were taught how they should view them in relation to God and marriage.     This was very helpful to strengthen their marriage and enable them to more fully view their children as a blessing.    They also learned to appreciate the long term goals of parenting and are now prepared with parenting skills they will need for the future. 
Therefore, they are better parents; they have a stronger marriage; their children have and are benefiting greatly; and I am a better equipped grandmother for I have received the benefit of their teaching, so we are all on the same page with the same goals.   I thank God for Mary and Warren.  As parents of 8 Godly children, God has graciously blessed them and given them great wisdom and is now enabling them to share that wisdom along with their experiences and insight with other parents (and grandparents).  Their impact will be extensive and God will be glorified.
> Grandmother - Sharon C., TX
I've known Warren and Mary for several years. They've sat under my preaching; I've sat under their teaching. If you're looking for warm and weighty wisdom on leading a godly home, you've come to the right place. More important, however, than commending the Robbins' teaching (which will serve any family) is my commendation of them. Warren and Mary's lives adorn the truths of Christ. Their children—physical and spiritual—rise and call them blessed. The parents of today need training "in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine" (1 Tim. 4:6). The Robbins offer not only sound teaching but a sound model as well. Parent Reform represents a rich opportunity for any family to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. I hope you will partake!
> Jordan Stone, Pastor - Imago Dei Church