Our Beliefs

Warren and Mary are evangelical, protestant Christians who are reformed in their beliefs and espouse what has become known as the doctrines of grace.

We are members at Imago Dei Church, McKinney, Texas, and subscribe to her confession (1853 New Hampshire Confession of Faith).

Our understanding of God’s triune, eternal existence and his sovereign outworking as expressed in the creation of all things and the redemption of mankind as an expression of the love relationship between heavenly father and eternally begotten son and all for the manifest display of the limitless glory of the godhead is encompassed in the fullness of the five “alones”, or the Five Solae:

Sola gratia: “grace alone”
Sola fide: “faith alone”
Sola scriptura: “Scripture alone”
Solo Christo: “Christ alone”
Soli Deo gloria: “to the glory of God alone”


We believe marriage was created by God, for his glory and for his purposes, and to bless mankind. It is not culturally defined, it is not in flux nor evolving. Marriage is an exclusive, covenantal union between one man and one woman whereby through sexual consummation they become one flesh in God’s sight, for their joint lifetimes.

We believe one of the primary reasons God created marriage was to provide the cosmos a picture illustrating the relationship between Christ and his bride, the church. This design was completed before creation.

Other purposes include:
• Providing man a helper suitable for his needs
• Meeting the need for human companionship
• Reproduction through childbearing

Marriage and parenting are not the pinnacle of all callings or relationships. The family of God, united in Christ is our primary and most essential bond. Marriage and parenting is passing away, but our relationships to others in Christ are eternal.


We believe God first created man and, in his wisdom, later, fashioned woman from that man and for that man, to be his divinely provided and appointed helper for the fulfillment of his assigned work.

Man and woman were made in God’s image, each having equal dignity and importance in God’s eyes, yet he made them different in distinct and complementary ways. We believe the Danvers Statement does an excellent job of summarizing the importance of complementarianism and then lays out a concise biblical articulation in the form of a set of affirmations.


We believe God works through many channels to shepherd his people. Primarily that work is done through the Holy Spirit’s activation of our God given faith as evidenced by obedience and facilitated by and through the ordinary means of Christian grace which includes the reading and studying of God’s word, the regularly hearing of sound preaching, active and faithful membership in a local church, private and corporate prayer, private and corporate worship, and serving and interacting with other fellow true Christians.

We are grateful for the teaching and encouragement we’ve received over the years from many faithful servants of God but in particular God has used the following ministries to help shape our understanding of the biblical Christian experience:

Grace to You ministry and founder Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, CA
Desiring God ministry and founder Pastor John Piper of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, MN
9Marks ministry and founder Pastor Mark Dever of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, DC
Revive Our Hearts ministry and founder Nancy Leigh DeMoss/Wolgemuth
Ligonier Ministries, teaching fellowship of founder Dr. R.C. Sproul